6th Choral Conducting Seminar and Masterclass

Ragnar Rasmussen is conductor, university professor and composer, situated at NTNU - The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, Norway). He was born and raised in the north-east region of Norway, surrounded with many cultural traditions of indigenous people and other peoples of the Arctic. This fact has heavily influenced his music-making, both as performer and composer.
He is on regular basis visiting academies, choirs and orchestras all over the world as guest conductor, such as BBC Singers, The Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra and choir, Turkish State Choir and many others.
Rasmussen is currently artistic leader of Nidaros Vokalensemble, and the international Utopia & Reality Chamber Choir (which he share with Urša Lah).
Urša Lah studied Choral Conducting in Slovenia and in Norway. With Slovene choirs she led: MeMPZ Veter, APZ Tone Tomšič UL and the National Radio Chamber Choir, she has been involved in many première performances, and won many first prizes, golden plaques, special prizes and conducting awards at national and international choral competitions, including the final for Grand Prix of Europe (Debrecen, 2008). She received the highest award of the Municipality of Ljubljana for cultural achievement and the award of Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Cultural Activities.
Since autumn 2009 Urša lives in Norway. She taught conducting at the universities in Tromsø and Trondheim (Associate professor), she was the artistic leader/conductor of Finnmark Operakor and University Choir Mimas, she worked as a choir master for Artic Philharmonic and Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra.
Currently she conducts Trondheim Symphonic Opera Choir and is employed as a choir master for Trondheim Symphony Orchestra. She gives seminars for choral conductors, is a frequent member of adjudicating panels at international choral and conducting competitions, a guest conductor of professional choirs/ensembles and one of two artistic leaders of the international Utopia&Reality Chamber Choir.